Welcome to Silver Solstice!!
This is the personal website of Sol (that's me!), a hobby, an archive of my work, a potential escape if social media dies, and... well we'll see!
I've redone this site multiple times... so don't expect this layout to be final!
Enjoy your stay! :D
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What is this and who am I?
My name is Sol, but you can also call me Silver!
I'm a 17 year old fucking NERD with a lot of different interests and hobbies. One of which being coding! I became interested in personal websites after using Tumblr for a while and seeing so many people recommending neocities... plus, yknow, if social media ever dies I'll have somewhere to run to! Or something! Idk.

Most of the code in this website is taken from EGGRAMEN or referenced from other people. I'm always learning new stuff, and this site will always be a permanent WIP.

Site Updates
May 11th 2024:Categorized my art page, added a photography page. Both are sill heavy wips, but you can look at them if you want!
May 10th 2024:Added an art page :)
May 9th 2024:Added an about me page! Might add some more stuff to it, as I'm really bad at describing myself, but for now it includes a few quizzes, a short bio, and some random facts. Also added a blog, that one's more of a WIP, but it's there!
May 8th 2024: Well guys. I did it again. I remade my entire site from scratch for no reason other than that I was bored. It took me a couple of days but I think this will be the final homepage for now. Of course I plan to add more stuff, and maybe this time actually keep updating the site when I'm done making it.